Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Denver Airport and the Continuity of Government

Continuity of Government in the United States

For years there has been a buzz about the billions of dollars cost overrun and strange goings on at the Denver International Airport (l5 billion dollars over budget). Rumors have it (by the original builders and contractors, airport personnel) that massive tunnels have been built underneath the airport that actually crisscross into New Mexico and the Rocky Mtns.

There are many esoteric symbols, panels and statues there.Military personnel are seen to go down through the elevators and never reappear. Electromagnetic flux in the area may come from a massive underground systems although there are no power lines about. I have felt this myself when I flew there freqently over the years. It is as if you are emotionally wired and you dont know why.

There are lot of things that have happened that people will not talk about. Like who funded it and why did they construct it when they had a more than adequate airport (Stapleton) that was more central to Denver.

It has been suggested that it is part of the existing plan to build structures that will house l00,000 people in case of apocalypse. The Federal government is funding this scenario may someday unfold (2012). Somehow the Denver Airport is part of this plan.

The main points of such a plan(Contingency of Government) in the United States are to suspend certain parts of the United States Constitution and to allow the alternative use of federal land and buildings (including use as internment camps) by FEMA for the housing/detention of US citizens as required, as well as any rescue/recovery operations.

It also allows for power in the US to be centralized to the White House and "appointment of military commanders to run state and local governments and declaration of martial law.

The Federal government is funding this scenario that may be about to unfold (2012). Somehow the Denver Airport is part of this plan.
Anyone know more about Denver?

1 comment:

Pretzer said...

Every time I fly into DIA, I wonder what genius decided to put it where it is. The wind is horrible. Now I know why.

Remember all those "weather balloons" we used to see as kids?